About JFS
Japanese EditionJapan Flower Selections Introduction
Japan Flower Selections(JFS) is the name of a Japanese new breed flower competition, held several times a year in Japan. It is organized by the Japan Flower Selections Association.
JFS evaluates new breeds of flowers and plants and recommends them to the flower industry for consumer sales every year. Also, JFS conducts a fair review of flowers and plants by flower industry professionals, and excellent varieties are chosen for the consumer and industrial market.

To collect and disseminate information of new varieties of flowers and plants in Japan.
To announce the results of JFS competitions to domestic and overseas consumers, producers and distributors.
To promote the development of new varieties of flowers and plants in Japan. Also, to introduce international flowers to the Japanese market.
To increase consumer interest in flowers based on new varieties and expand general flower sales.

Winners Varieties Introduction Book (Japanese version only)

PR display for consumers at events

JFS PR Garden at Omotenashi Garden (Odaiba,Tokyo) for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

JFS flagship garden at Hamanako Garden Park.

PR for buyers and Growers at a flower market.
Japan is a superpower of developing new varieties of flowers unlike any other in the world. Currently, there are 40,000 varieties of flowers and plants that are commercially produced and sold in Japan. Among them, thousands of new varieties appear every year in the Japanese flower market, which is said to be remarkable in the world.
Not only major seeding companies and public agricultural technology centers but also more than 1,000 individual breeders develop and create new flower varieties in Japan. It is very rare that Japan is the only country in the world to have so many flower breeders.

Some common comments from consumers about flowers were;
“I do not really understand the strong points of this new variety!"
"Which is a really good variety?"
"Which variety is a easy to grow?"
In response to these consumer comments, we started the first contest of new varieties of flowers and plants in Japan from the spring of 2006.
Competition Divisions
We divide competitions into three divisions according to the form of distribution.
1.Cut flower Division

2.Potted plant Division

JFS judges contestants’ flowers and plants at horticultural events, venues and flower markets. And it conducts a vote by consumers to decide the most popular flower and trend amongst consumers at each competition.
3.Garden plant Division
Over the course of several months JFS observes the growth process at the JFS Trial Garden and Trial Green House at Chiba University. Judges use observation records of the flower and plant growth as supplementary data. Depending on the kind of flowers and plants, one to three field examinations will be conducted to determine the winners of the competitions.

JFS Trial Garden at Chiba University.

JFS Trial Green House at Chiba University.

JFS judging panels (more than five judges for each division)are composed of academic experts representing the domestic flower industry, researchers at agricultural testing laboratories, flower designers, garden designers, flower markets and brokerage dealers.
Thereby, JFS conducts fair judgment from a professional's perspective.
Chairman of the JFS Central Jury Committee

Toshio Ando
Honorary Professor
Chiba University
JFS Central Jury Committee
Director of Cut Flower division

Jun Shishido
OTA Floriculture Auction Co., Ltd.
Sales Department
Group Leader
JFS Central Jury Committee
Director of Potted Plants division

Motomu Nagaoka
Flower Auction Japan Inc.
Board Director
Public information depertment of flowers
General manager
JFS Central Jury Committee
Director of Garden Plant division

Takeshi Yamamoto
Toyoake Kaki Co.,Ltd
Sales and marketing Department
Sales Planning Head Office
Assistant General Manager
JFS Award Ceremony and Logos
JFS holds an annual ceremony of “Flower of the year” prizes every December and special awards are presented. Also the results of the competitions during the year are announced to the flower industry through press release and JFS web site.

The winner of each variety of “Japan Flower Selections” Prize will have an opportunity to conduct sales activities using the JFS logo mark by applying for certification registration.

JFS Prizes and Awards
1.“Flower of the year” Prize
This is the most prestigious award. One variety of flower and plant in each division is chosen.

Special logos are provided for the “Flower of the year” prize variety winners.
2. “Best flower” Prize
This award is presented to outstanding performance varieties.
These are varieties that got more than 8 full points out of the 10 points score in the judgment.
3. Special prizes
JFS gives ten special prizes based on the characteristics of the flowers. These prizes are given only to the varieties which had more impact, especially from the varieties which got more than 7 full points out of the 10 points score in the judgment.
“Most Joyful” Prize
This prize is awarded to a variety that varieties that create a happy mood.
“New Value” Prize
This prize is awarded to varieties that design new values of flowers that have never existed. Varieties that expand the diversity and possibilities of flower design, garden design and contribute to the future of flower culture are recognized.
“New Style” Prize
This is an award given to varieties with novel and excellent shape. This prize is awarded to varieties that have new flower types, leaf shapes and grass shapes that have never been seen, and have impact on the flower industry.
“Good Performance” Prize
This prize is awarded to varieties that are easy to handle, easy to grow and perform well for growers and consumers.
“Breeding” Prize
This prize is awarded to varieties with high development, concepts of breeding, breeding skill, excellent design, artistic form and product quality.
“Color Create” Prize
This is an award given to varieties of which epic flower color is anticipated. This prize is awarded to varieties that appeal to the color sensitivity and creation of new flower colors.
“Fragrance” Prize
This Prize is awarded to varieties with a fragrant aroma and excellent scent design.
“Japan Design” Prize
This prize is awarded to varieties that have Japanese-like character and create a feeling of Japanese aesthetic sense and design.
“Life Design” Prize
This prize is awarded to varieties that make daily life more enjoyable. This variety enriches living space by having high design quality and characteristics easy to handle for consumers.
“Popularity vote” Prize
This prize is awarded to varieties that became top in each category among JFS awarded varieties. The winner is decided based on the votes by general consumers and buyers at the Spring / Autumn competitions. (Only Cut flower division and Potted plant division are eligible.)
4. “Japan Flower Selections” Prize
Varieties with a score of 7 full points or more are eligible to win “Flower of the year ”Prize, “Best flower” Prize and Special prizes.